OTHER PROGRAMS: I have written several other quality shareware utilities and games. They are described below, along with the price for each; price does not include disk or postage. To get all the latest versions to try out for yourself, send a formatted disk with a self addressed stamped return envelope, or send $5 and I will supply the disk and pay postage. GAMES: ColorFall - A simple, yet very fun and addictive, new game! Blocks of 4 colors (or patterns for B&W) drop down; you position and rotate them where you want them and let ’em drop! Try to get 4 or more in a row down, across, diagonally or in a block... But that’s not all! Random things happen during play to either help or hinder your progress, such as a falling weight, a bomb and other strange things! Try it! ($10) SideMinder! - SideMinder! is a challenging game played against the computer. Your mission is to place 3D game pieces on the board, matching as many sides as you can. The more sides you match, the higher the score! Many different options are available, such as various playing boards, tournament mode, rotating pieces, number of colors (or patterns for B&W), and level of difficulty! Try it, you won’t be disappointed! (1.02 fixes a Scoring bug and adds new game boards!) I take no responsibility for time or sleep lost due to the habit forming effects of this game! ($10) PRODUCTIVITY: ScrapIt Pro - Try the utility that made MacUser's list of the top 30 shareware programs of 1995! Anything you can copy to the clipboard can be pasted and stored in a ScrapIt Pro file. Features full support of Apple's latest technology; Drag & Drop, QuickDraw 3D, Speech, and more! ScrapIt Pro, is the editable, searchable multimedia scrapbook... and a mini-word processor to boot! Need a place to store, sort, display and search all of your text notes, sounds, GIF files, JPEG files, QuickDraw 3D files? Look no further, ScrapIt Pro is the utility you've been looking for! Here's a list of some of the features: * PowerMac & 680x0 native code! * Searchable comments for each item * QuickDraw 3D file support * Supports ArchiCAD * Search & Replace * Scrap File merge * Import from Now Scrapbook(tm) files * Much better importing capabilities (can now select multiple pictures, sounds or TEXT resources from any file) * Import/Export GIF, TIFF, JPEG & EPSF files * View GIF, JPEG or QuickDraw 3D items! * Sort by date, name or type * Edit names right in the list * Gallery mode * and more! Here's what some people are saying about ScrapIt Pro: "ScrapIt Pro is to the Scrapbook Desk Accessory what a Power Macintosh is to an original 128K Mac. Not too many people use the original Mac, so why do we continue to use the Scrapbook?" - George Louie (eWorld Senior Sysop, ZiffNet/Mac) "...ScrapIt Pro is one of the best shareware packages available..." - Norman Tiffany (SPUG Newsletter) ScrapIt Pro was also very favorably reviewed with several other Scrapbook utilities (mostly commercial software) in an article by David Pogue in the September 1995 Macworld Magazine. ScrapIt Pro is a simple to use yet powerful editable, searchable multimedia scrapbook which will allow you to archive and retrieve anything you can copy to the clipboard, import or Drag & Drop; sounds, PICTures, Text, QuickTime movies, and lots more.... all accessable at the click of a mouse! You can print thumbnail pictures or text lists of all items in any Scrap file. You can quickly and easily search through all the text items, item names or comments in a scrap file to find what you're looking for. Use it as a mini-word processor and database; create or edit any text items, change fonts, style, size and color! ScrapIt Pro can play sounds or QuickTime movies; it can view all of a large PICTure by scrolling or shrinking the image to fit in the window; it can select and copy portions of PICT or Text items. Some suggested uses: Store frequently used clip-art (GIFs, JPEGs, PICTs, etc.), email, letterhead text or graphics or sounds. Create different files to store different catagories of data — instantly accessible at the click of a mouse! Keep your favorite recipes in one file, quickly create and store notes in another... or store them all together and search by index. ScrapIt Pro will open any Scrapbook file (from Apple), SmartScrap, ScrapIt Pro, ScrapIt ][ or MultiScrap file. ($20) QuickPop - QuickPop does just two things, but was designed to do them very well. This program performs functions that will benefit any Mac user and is extremely simple to set up and use. You can now define all those useless function keys on your extended keyboard (along with any other keys) to perform useful tasks! The first is to allow you to assign “Hotkeys” to up to fifty (50) applications, documents, Apple Menu Items, control panels, FKEYs, monitor depth (colors) or speaker volume settings. When the “Hotkeys” are pressed from within most any application, the selected item will instantly launch (or change speaker or monitor settings). The second is to allow you to have a menu pop up anywhere on the screen when you hold a key (option, command, control or shift in any combination) and click and hold down the mouse button. From this pop-up menu you can launch your favorite documents, applications, control panels, FKEYs, Apple Menu Items, change monitor depth (colors) settings, change the speaker level or switch to any other running application. New Features in version 2.0: Can now use up to 50 “HotKeys”. Users can now set up category folders in the QuickPop Folder for much better organization! Can now set “HotKeys” to switch between running applications (previous, next or by showing a list to choose from). Payment can now be made with VISA & MasterCard via email, FAX or standard mail. Much better documentation and a new registration application to make registering much easier. Some uses for QuickPop: * Change monitor settings (for those games that require different monitor settings) and assign a single key to instantly switch to 16 colors, 256 colors or Black & white, whatever you need! * Have a key (or keys) to turn the speaker off or to a different level, no need to go to the Sound control panel anymore! * Launch your favorite application, document, control panel, FKEY or Apple menu item at the touch of a key (or keys). * Keep your favorite FKEYs in files rather than installing them in the System file. Place aliases of the FKEY files in the QuickPop Folder and you can launch the FKEYs with any key(s) you set up! ($10) TakeABreak - This control panel will remind you to take a break from the computer once in a while... You can have it remind you after a selected time period (every 30 minutes, every 2 hours, whatever you choose) by playing any installed Sound, showing a window, and/or playing a QuickTime™ movie! This is a “must have” utility if you spend over 20 minutes at a time on the computer. ($5)